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Coylton - Thriving Places

South Ayrshire Council is working with the communities and other partners in Coylton to prepare Place Plans for the villages.

The Place Plan is a partnership plan that is led by the community, and will include actions that depend on all parties with an active interest in the village for their success. To help us identify the issues and opportunities that are present in the Coylton we need the help of those who live or work in the village.  As residents you know the village better than anyone and your views will inform the priorities in the plan, and your ideas the basis for the actions to help improve your place.

The Scottish Government has developed the Place Standard tool to help us in assessing our places. This tool consists of 14 questions covering both the physical and social element of a place. For each question you can give a rating from 1 to 7 where 1 means there is a lot of room for improvement and 7 means there is little room for improvement.

Take part

To complete the Place Standard complete the questionnaire by 4th February 2022.

For each question you are given the opportunity to give reasons for your rating.  We would be grateful if you could be as specific as possible for the reasons for your rating and include any ideas you might have, or opportunities you are aware of in your area that could improve the score.   

Thank you for taking the time to complete the Place Standard, a further consultation will be undertaken in 2022 to present the draft Place Plan.

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