Deferred and early school entry
How to defer your child's entry to school or start primary school early.
Deferred entry
- Children born in January and February have the right to either start primary school in August or defer entry for an additional year. A further year of funded early learning and childcare will be granted on request.
- Children born between 19th August and December have the right to either start Primary school in August or defer entry for an additional year. A funded early learning and childcare place may be granted at the discretion of South Ayrshire Council, after discussion with parents/carers and professionals as to the best interests and needs of the child.
Deferred Entry Leaflet (PDF) [1MB]
Deferred entry to primary school request
Early admission
Early Admission Leaflet (PDF) [631KB]
Early admission requests for Primary 1
Please speak with the Head teacher/manager of the nursery your child attends.
Early Years Team
Tel: 01292 612162