14 School Vennel, Maybole
To let
Retail unit 14 School vennel, Maybole
Date of Publication: March 2021
Maybole is a small town with a population of around 5,000 persons situated approximately 9 miles south of Ayr and 45 miles south-west of Glasgow City Centre. The subjects sit within a mixed commercial and residential area just off the High Street where retailers include Home Hardware, Spar and Lloyds Pharmacy. The property benefits from being within close free car parking and the town's train station is within a short walk. The town is in the early stages of a regeneration scheme that will see wide ranging improvements as through traffic is diverted away from the town centre on to the new by-pass which is scheduled to be completed in 2022.
The subjects comprise a single storey retail unit with a glazing to two elevations with the entrance to School Vennel. Accommodation comprises a main shop area which has been sub-divided to create a private office area/store with a further store and wc. There is a small enclosed yard area to the rear.
Net internal area
The subjects extend to approximately 44.76 square metres.
Mains drainage, water and electricity are available within the property.
Rateable value
The rateable value is currently £1,600. The tenant will be responsible for the payment of rates and water rates levied however, as the RV is less than £15,000 the tenant may be eligible for 100% rates relief under Small Business Bonus Scheme.
Energy performance certificate
The EPC rating of this property is TBC. Date of Publication: March 2021
The property may be suitable for various uses including as a shop or office but planning consent may be required for a change of use. It is recommended that interested parties contact our Planning Service on 01292 616 107 or email: planning.development@south-ayrshire.gov.uk for further information regarding their proposed use for this property.
The subjects are offered on the basis of a new Full Repairing and Insuring (FRI) lease for a term to be agreed. (A copy of the council's standard lease is available on request).
Professional services
The ingoing tenant will be responsible for the council's reasonable professional fees and costs incurred in the course of this transaction.
Rental offers in the region of £2,500 per annum are invited for the leasehold interest in this property. A closing date for rental offers may be fixed and interested parties are advised to register their interest by emailing the Estates team.
For further information and access please contact:
David Anderson: 01292 612 951, david.anderson2@south-ayrshire.gov.uk
Robert Campbell: 01292 612 833, robert.campbell2@south-ayrshire.gov.uk
South Ayrshire Council gives notice that these particulars are not warranted, nor do they constitute any part of any offer or contract and all statements contained herein are made without any responsibility on the part of the council and/or its employees. Further, neither South Ayrshire Council and/or its employees are authorised to make or give any representation of warranty in respect of the property described in this brochure. South Ayrshire Council is not obliged to accept the highest, nor any offer