Positive futures
Our Positive Futures Programme offers young people 16+ employability support and training through a Stage 1-3 pipeline service. Young people are fully supported through these stages by one of our Employability and Skills Officers who will be with them throughout their journey.
Stage 1 - The programme will give trainees the opportunity to develop basic employability skills, personal development and core skills. Trainees will engage in engage in group work activity and complete a Dynamic Youth Award (SCQF level 3).
A Dynamic Youth Award is a peer assessed award which gives the young person the opportunity to gain accreditation for the activities they have taken part in. This increases their self-esteem and keeps young people engaged in learning when they receive recognition for the achievements.
Trainees will be allocated an E&S Officer who will support the young person's personalised action plan through one-to-one appointments and group work. Officers will assist trainees to overcome barriers they face to training and employment such as communication, confidence and limited work experience and employability skills.
Stage 2 - The programme will give trainees the opportunity to develop their employability skills, personal development and core skills through a work placement, group work and accredited learning.
Trainees will be in placement two days per week*, engage in group work and complete an Employability Award (SCQF Level 3)
Trainees will be allocated an E&S Officer who will support the young person's action plan through one-to-one appointments, group work and work placement. Officers will assist trainees to overcome barriers they face to training and employment such as communication, confidence and limited work experience and employability skills.
Trainees will be given the opportunity to gain work experience in their chosen vocational interest. Work experience placements will be sourced by our E&S Officers once discussion regarding placement opportunities has taken place.
Stage 3 - The programme will give trainees the opportunity to develop their employability skills further and complete a work placement suitable to their vocational interest.
Trainees will be in placement three to four days per week*, engage in group work and complete the Employability Award (SCQF 4).
The Employability Award gives young people an introduction to the world of work for those who are unsure about how to gain and sustain employment. The award allows them to develop skills and attitudes which apply across all occupational areas.
Trainees will be allocated an E&S Officer who will support the young person's personalised action plan through one-to-one appointments, group work and work placement. Interview preparation will be offered to assist trainees at interviews.
Trainees must ensure they commit to at least 20 hours per week* while on the programme.
Trainees will be supported to apply for Modern Apprenticeship opportunities offered by South Ayrshire Council and other training providers. Our E&S Officers have strong links with a variety of local and national employers and will seek to secure job / M.A progression opportunities with these employers. Along with our current list of employers, staff will continue to contact new employers who may have additional opportunities.
For more information contact:
Tel: 01292 612301
Email: employability.skills@south-ayrshire.gov.uk
Newton House
30 Green Street Lane