Outdoor public access
The right of responsible, non-motorised access to most land in Scotland, conferred on the public by the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003, remains in force during the current Covid-19 pandemic. Indeed, it is arguable the right has gained greater importance, as a means of providing opportunities for the public to take daily exercise during the current 'lockdown' restrictions. However, in exercising the right, people should act responsibly, having due regard to the rights and needs of other access takers and landowners, as well as the prevailing ground and weather conditions, and adhering to the Scottish Outdoor Access Code. Acting responsibly also means maintaining social distancing, not travelling by car to take exercise, using local paths, parks and quiet roads and respecting the health and safety of farmers and others working the land. A Ministerial statement has been issued on outdoor access during the pandemic, which has been supplemented by further, more detailed guidance, and signage, from Scottish Natural Heritage, available here. Should you require further information, please contact Rachel Shipley, Outdoor Access Officer, at Rachel.Shipley@south-ayrshire.gov.uk or Neil Feggans at Neil.Feggans@south-ayrshire.gov.uk and 01292 616128.